Monday, September 5, 2011

Project #1 cont'd:Cecelia Gault's interview of Sir Ken Robinson

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Click here to watch Sir Ken Robinson's "Do Schools Kill Creativity?"

I found the interview by going to Laura Scott's Blog from Fall 2010. I think it is wonderful and interesting that he summarizes and disagrees with the three myths of creativity. He then follows up by suggesting ways to improve public education to meet the demands of a new world. He emphasizes that the young people of today are simply more technologically savvy due to daily exposure, where those of his generation find it more challenging because computers arrived much later in their lives.
I agree that everyone is creative, creativity should be nurtured and allowed to blossom and that creativity is not limited to the labels we have manifested to represent it. I have been in art classes where those who were adament that they "had not one single creative bone in their bodies" surprised themselves and their classmates when given the opportunity to embrace unconventional art in perhaps an unconventional way. The available visual cues afforded them allowed their creativity to blossom and unfold, where it would have been stifled or even absent in a conventional classroom setting. The interview was short, informative and gave valuable insight to the whos and hows of facilitating creative thought.

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