Friday, September 23, 2011

Project #3-C4T #2: Summary

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     Ms. Davis posted that she and each member of her faculty read a book* this summer that outlined the steps to making change in an organization. Incorporating the three simple concepts that affect behavior, she detailed how she planned to follow through and communicate openly to ensure success. Since everyone was familiar with the steps and willing to embrace them, she challenged her staff to work hard, diligently, and keep her informed on their progress and needs.
     A plan is necessary to be successful, and I emphasized that her plan sounded well-thought out and executed. Her "Plus One Challenge" set the tone for her faculty to strive for positive change; the group as a whole can be more productive when motivated. An organized leader, Ms. Davis models what driven team members seek as their inspiration. I wished her good luck, and a future report on the faculty's success!

*The book she and her staff read was Switch: How to Change Things When Change is Hard, by Chip & Dan Heath.

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Click here to read NY Times article

Ms. Davis pointed out that in the article that the single school used as a sample to represent the whole is not a valid measure of success, because one school does not represent a whole district or state, as far as implementing technology to raise test scores. She had a valid point; the strength of research is in its unbiased and group representative nature.
I agreed with her, and stated that an article like this can negatively affect our policy-makers' and parents' view of the benefits of technology in our classrooms. In my opinion, Ms. Davis understands well that the teachers' knowledge and willingness to utilize this new technology is key to its success, and her argument reflects that viewpoint.

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